EditorPlugin acces Plugin Node Tree

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By websterek


How can I Acces to Node Tree of EditorPlugin when I’m in other scene?

Right now I have something like this in my extension:

var dock = preload("res://addons/RoshamboManager/RoshamboPanel.tscn").instance()

var scene = get_tree().get_edited_scene_root()

Dock should be for accesing EditorPlugin and scene is for access to edited scene.

Now when I’m clicking in button with code like this:

func waves_editor():

it’s ends with error:

res://addons/RoshamboManager/roshambo_manager.gd:484 - Invalid call.
Nonexistent function ‘get_node’ in base ‘Nil’.

But the same code works flawlessly when connected button is clicked with opened EditorPlugin scene.

How can i Solve that?