avoid making instances

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Enquest

Could somebody tell me how you handle this code wise without repeating yourself.

I load json that has data of all my levels. I print out buttons one for one in a grid according levels defined in json.
I could make the button in a separate scene and load the instance for each loop. But that creates extra scene extra naming, extra files to manage. So I rather use duplicate(). However for the first $levelButton I have to assign things and then assign duplicate the rest. How do I avoid this inefficient code.

func _ready():
for item in level_data:
	if not $levelButton.level:
		$levelButton.level = item
		$levelButton.connect("pressed", self, "_start_level")
		var l = $levelButton.duplicate()
		l.level = item
		l.connect("pressed", self, "_start_level")

found the solution :slight_smile:

func _ready():
for item in level_data:	
	var l = $levelButton.duplicate()
	l.level = level_data[item]
	l.connect("pressed", self, "_start_level")

Enquest | 2018-04-21 15:43