how to guard against furious input, which then mess up tweening display?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By divegame
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

How should I handle furious input while tweening?
In this game I’m making, I made an Area2D node with Sprite and CollisionShape2D children, emitting signal as the area is clicked. In another node (as its parent), I instanced this Area2D many times. In the connected function within the parent, there is a check agains a flag whether the click input should be handled, yet furious input (clicking many times in succession) manage to disrupt the tweening process and mess the display.
Please give pointers

In Area2D:
signal tile_clicked(row, col, val)
func _on_input_event( viewport, event, shape_idx ):
    if (event.is_pressed()):
        emit_signal("tile_clicked", row, col, val)

In parent:
var notouch = true
func _ready:
    thetile.connect("tile_clicked", self, "_on_tile_clicked")
    notouch = false

func _on_tile_clicked(row, col, val):
    if not notouch:
    notouch = true

The game works as expected, it’s the mess of display when user rapidly taps that gets me. Any way to handle unwanted input?