Problem with bbcode in my dialogue system

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Renad

so i am using godot 4 Beta 4 and i have a dialogue system and everything in it works fine But there is one Problem bothering me with bbcode

my dialogue system for short when all the characters visible Finisshed = true And when Input pressed I can move to the next phrase

Let’s say, for example, Phrase1 = " are you okay?"
and Phrase2 = “I-I dont feel [shake rate=9 level=10]good[/shake]”

Phrase1 work fine and Finisshed when expected
but Phrase2 continues for a while then" Finisshed Slower than expected

and This is obviously because of the bbcode Although it not visible But the characters are still being typed This makes us wait for it, even though it shows us that all characters visible

and this is my Problem I don’t know how to fix this

part of my code

func _process(delta):
	$Mark.visible = Finisshed   #Mark is a small image that appears below when all the characters visible
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("Enter"):
		if Finisshed:
			if PhraseNum == -1:
			else :
				if Options == false:
		else :
			$Text.visible_characters = len($Text.text)

     func NextPhrase():
    	Finisshed = false
    	$Text.visible_characters = 0
    	$Name.text = Dialogs.Name
    	$Text.text = Dialogs.Text
    	while $Text.visible_characters <=len($Text.text):
    		$Text.visible_characters += 1
    		await get_tree().create_timer(TextSpeed).timeout
    	Finisshed = true