Questions about SceneTreeTween in 3.5 and 4.0

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By lemta37564
  1. How expensive is create_tween() ?
    In the SceneTreeTween examples from GDQuest, I found that create_tween() is called every time when I want to do some animations. Is this operation expensive? Would it be more costly than using Tween nodes?

  2. Will it cause some potential bugs if a new SceneTreeTween is created but an old one is still running?
    For example: The duration of a SceneTreeTween is 1s, but the code create a new tween and tween property every 0.6s. I’ve wrote some tests and it works normally, but is this bad and may cause some issues? Should I wait until the former one is finished?

I’ve read the stable(3.5) docs but it seems that there is no description about these.