Display preview instead of filename in PropertyEditor for a resource (C++)

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Charles Woodhill
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

i have a created a “MyResourceBaseClass” derived from Resources,
this is used for various resource types i need to make.
the “instancingNode” has a property with the type of “MyResourceBaseClass”

then i have 2 types of resources deriving from “MyResourceBaseClass”
all is working fine, even create of derived classes, clickin new and then select desired derived class. also save/load via binary is working.

and now the question:
some of the derived classes contain a texture.
i now want to show that texture instead of the filename,
when the chosen property of an instance is set to one that is containing a texture.

generally said, i want it to behave like the Texture resource, it doesnt show the filename, it shows the texture itself.

is it possible?
which method i have implement?
or do i have to create some sort of previewObject?
tried to debug Texture & propertyEditor, but still dont find it :frowning:

tnx in advance :slight_smile: