How to know what is player touch on rng grid map

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Lazyworker


I’m random grid map on Y=0 (3D) and I want to know what grid I’m touch

Now I’m use Area is child node of Character for body_entered any thing Character touch (I don’t know does it work? ) and connect it with mapgenerater function

#Character  is KinematicBody
#player is Arear Childnode of Character

    func _mapgen

    func _on_player_body_entered(body):
    	if == "player":
    		if floor = road:
    			speed = basespeed * 1
    		if floor = drit:
    			speed = basespeed * 0.8
    		if floor = water:
    			speed = basespeed * 0.3

thank you for advice and solution