the array should be correct though Invalid get index "0"(on base: array) error given

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By jimmyc

why is godot randomly giving me an Invalid get index “0”(on base: array)?
I am trying to implement collisions for a fighting game. The script is supposed to turn hitboxes on and off using functions.

extends Node2D

var p1_fight_coll = []
var disable_coll = true

func _process(delta):
		disable_coll = !disable_coll
		disable_coll = !disable_coll
		_Handle_Specific_Collider_Disabling(disable_coll, 0)

func _on_RightHand_body_entered(body):
	pass # Replace with function body.

func _on_LeftHand_body_entered(body):
	pass # Replace with function body.

func _on_RightFoot_body_entered(body):
	pass # Replace with function body.

func _on_LeftFoot_body_entered(body):
	pass # Replace with function body.

func _Handle_All_Collider_disabling(var is_disabled):
	for colliders in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("p1 hands feet collision"):
		var h = 0
		p1_fight_coll.insert(h, colliders)
		if (p1_fight_coll[h].is_disabled()):
			print(p1_fight_coll[h].name + " is disabled")
		elif (!p1_fight_coll[h].is_disabled()):
			print(p1_fight_coll[h].name + " is not disabled")#
		h+= 1
func _Handle_Specific_Collider_Disabling(var is_disabled, var picked_coll):
	if (p1_fight_coll[picked_coll].is_disabled()):
		print(p1_fight_coll[picked_coll].name + " has been enabled")
	if (!p1_fight_coll[picked_coll].is_disabled()):
		print(p1_fight_coll[picked_coll].name + " has been DIS abled")

however, there is a problem with the lines:



_Handle_Specific_Collider_Disabling(disable_coll, 0)

though I am not sure why.
the error message given is
Invalid get index “0”(on base: array), even though changing the array number gives the same error.