What causes AdMob's banner-destroyed() on show_banner()?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By pferft

Hi everyone,

based on GitHub - Poing-Studios/godot-admob-android: Godot's AdMob Plugin for Android with support for Mediations. I installed AdMob. For testing I built a simple button which sends a signal to the Example node’s Script (res://addons/admob/test/Example.gd):

func _on_button_released():

This works. However, trying Banner:

func _on_button_released():

does not work, and the “Advice”-label says “Banner destroyed”, which can only come from the script’s

func _on_MobileAds_banner_destroyed() -> void:
	_add_text_Advice_Node("Banner destroyed")

Why won’t the banner show (while there’s no problem with interstitials)? And why would instead that function apply?
After a whole week of trying around unsuccessfully I very much hope somebody can help me on this one!