Is it possible to use the Tween node in conjuction with Particles2D for properties within "process_materials"?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By noob saibot

Hi there,

Apologies in advance for any mixing up of terms! I’m very new to godot and programming generally. I must say though I’ve found learning godot quite enjoyable so far :slight_smile:

I have a Particles 2D node with a Tween node as the child of it. I’m looking to specifically interpolate the initial_velocity of the particles.

I have something like this:

$Particles2D/Tween.interpolate_property($Particles2D, "process_material", $Particles2D.process_material.initial_velocity, 100, 0.5, 2, 0)	

The starting velocity is set at 15 and is meant to increase to 100 over 0.5 seconds.

I don’t get an error when i run it, but the desired effect does not happen unfortunately. When I try change the node path to “process_material/initial_velocity” nothing also happens.

Any help is much appreciated - thanks!