I can't get my movement speed to increase when with_snap is enabled, it is fine with just move_and_slide, though.

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By ItsAnti

A little preface - I am about 3 weeks into my coding/gamedev journey.
Also: I added a short video demonstrating the issue.

I have a simple state machine that handles animations, and things like falling, wall sliding, jumping, falling. all good, it works beautifully.

My player character node is basically just a variables/functions container, and I have my max speed reached via acceleration, and clamped to the max speed’s positive and negative value.

Without snap, movement works as I expect, my variables alter accel, friction, top speed, etc. Jumping, wallslides, all that.

But it’s not acting the way I would expect. My movement speed gets clamped to a much lower value when snap is enabled.

When I jump with snap enabled, I move at the normal speed on the x axis, and acceleration/drag/gravity act normally.

Snap motion code - I have UP defined as a variable (Vector2.UP) higher in the code.

motion = move_and_slide_with_snap(motion, snap_vector, UP, true, 1, deg2rad(60))

Without snap -

  *(motion = move_and_slide(motion, Vector2(0, -1), true) # This is commented out in the code currently.*

I really don’t want to forgo using stairs, but if I can’t wrap my head around this, I might have to.

If you need more of the code, or variables, let me know. I didn’t want to dump the entire 200+ lines here.

Below is my left/right movement code. Player is a KinematicBody2D. I use a combination of Raycasts and CollisionShape2D to know what and where the Player is touching the game world.

func _handle_movement(delta): #Movement left/right and define Facing direction.
var x_input = Input.get_action_strength("right") - Input.get_action_strength("left")
if x_input != 0:
	motion.x += x_input * ACCELERATION * MAX_SPEED * delta
	motion.x = clamp(motion.x, -MAX_SPEED, MAX_SPEED)
	sprite.flip_h = x_input < 0
	facing = x_input
	if is_on_floor():
elif x_input == 0:
	motion.x = lerp(motion.x, 0, delta*FRICTION)
	if is_on_floor():

This is my move and slide code, grounded check, and gravity code.

func _apply_movement():

motion = move_and_slide_with_snap(motion, snap_vector, UP, true, 1, deg2rad(60))
if move_direction == 0 && abs(motion.x) < SLOPE_STOP_THRESHOLD:
	motion.x = 0

var was_grounded = is_grounded
is_grounded = is_on_floor()

if was_grounded == null || is_grounded != was_grounded:
	emit_signal("grounded_updated", is_grounded)
func _apply_gravity(delta):
	motion.y += GRAVITY * delta
	if is_jumping && motion.y >= 0:
		is_jumping = false

I wanted to implement staircases into my game, however, when move_and_slide is used without snap, I “ramp” off of slopes, even with settings meant to stop it.

My brain is having a hard time keeping up the farther in I go - I have like, zero coding experience, I’m just an artist that sucks at networking.