I cant make my NPC with movement animation to follow path2d without braking!

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By nikolacvijanov

I have set animations in animation player and they work properly

for some reason game breaks after few loops following path2d and I dont know why.
its confusing because it makes few loops without problems but eventualy allways brakes

godot says an error is:
invalid operands string and nil in operator +

and points to a line in code:
var animation = “Walk_” + animation_direction

What is confusing is that it works for a loop or to and than it breaks

extends KinematicBody2D

onready var path_follow = get_parent()

var speed = 350
var move_direction = 0

func _ready():

func _physics_process(delta):

func _process(delta):

func movement_loop(delta):
var prepos = path_follow.get_global_position()
path_follow.set_offset(path_follow.get_offset() + speed * delta)
var pos = path_follow.get_global_position()
move_direction = (pos.angle_to_point(prepos) / 3.14) * 180

func animation_loop(delta):
var animation_direction

if move_direction <= 15 and move_direction >= -15:
	animation_direction = "E"
elif move_direction <= 60 and move_direction >= 15:
	animation_direction = "SE"
elif move_direction <= 120 and move_direction >= 60:
	animation_direction = "S"
elif move_direction <= 165 and move_direction >= 120:
	animation_direction = "SW"
#elif move_direction <= 120 and move_direction >= 60:
	#animation_direction = "S"
elif move_direction >= -60 and move_direction <= -15:
	animation_direction = "NE"
elif move_direction >= -120 and move_direction <= -60:
	animation_direction = "N"
elif move_direction >= -165 and move_direction <= -120:
	animation_direction = "NW"
elif move_direction <= -165 and move_direction >= 165:
	animation_direction = "W"

var animation = "Walk_" + animation_direction