Help recreating The Witness line mechanic.

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By IHate

I want to trace a line concealed within tracks with the mouse its the same mechanic that The Witness for its puzzles:

My tracks are procedurally generated using a tilemap.
Ideally I would have a line 2d and be able to extend it between the tiles.

The best I got is using event.relative and adding a tile on the direction with more “strenght” but this creates a tile every time you move a single pixel so its hard to control and visually it’s pretty choppy in comparison with how a line2d would look like.

var tiles
func _ready():
tiles = map.get_used_cells()

func _input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
	var tile_pos = map.world_to_map(position)
	var dir

	if abs(event.relative.x) > abs(event.relative.y):
		if event.relative.x > 0:
			dir = Vector2.RIGHT
			dir = Vector2.LEFT

		if event.relative.y > 0:
			dir = Vector2.DOWN
			dir = Vector2.UP

	if not tiles.has(curr_tile + dir):

	curr_tile += dir