Dynamically Constructing Touch Buttons on top of TileMap's tiles.

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By ashish

I trying to construct touchbuttons thru code. First I am manually setting up the tile map and then trying to set up a touchscreenbutton on top of each tile.
I want to extend Tilemap as a Class and achieve this. Very new to extending a Class. I have been able to achieve the desired result by making the TileMap the root Node. However, I want to achieve this by making TileMap as a child of a Node2D (which would be the root node) for future requirements of the game.
This is my present code. At runtime, the code does not seem to enter the make_the_touchButtons function.

extends Node2D

onready var tile = $TileMap

#var grid_offset = Vector2(16,16)

var kount =0

class FCTile:
	extends TileMap
	var tile_position = {}
	var grid_offset = Vector2(16,16)
	var kount
	var cellids = get_used_cells_by_id(0)
	var countingCells = cellids.size()
	var actual_position = PoolVector2Array()
	func make_the_touchButtons():
		for i in range (countingCells):
			var spark
			var tile_position = {}
			var completed = []
			tile_position[i] = map_to_world(cellids[i])
			spark = TouchScreenButton.new()
			spark.position = tile_position[i]
			spark.name = 'spark'+str(i)
			spark.normal = load("res://lock_red.png")
			spark.pressed = load("res://star_09.png")
			spark.z_index = 99
func _ready():
	tile = FCTile.new()		

Please help. Thanks in advance.