Edit of asset "GodotParadiseHealthComponent" Accepted

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Title GodotParadiseHealthComponent GodotParadiseHealthComponent
Description Effortlessly simulate health and damage for entities within your video game.

This component handles all aspects related to taking damage and managing health on the parent node. While typically added to a CharacterBody2D, there are no limitations preventing its use with a StaticRigidBody2D, allowing you to imbue life into objects like trees or other in-game elements.
Effortlessly simulate health and damage for entities within your video game.

This component handles all aspects related to taking damage and managing health on the parent node. While typically added to a CharacterBody2D, there are no limitations preventing its use with a StaticRigidBody2D, allowing you to imbue life into objects like trees or other in-game elements.
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/GodotParadise/HealthComponent https://github.com/GodotParadise/HealthComponent
Issues Url https://github.com/GodotParadise/HealthComponent/issues https://github.com/GodotParadise/HealthComponent/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1 Godot 4.1
Version String 1.0.1 1.0.1
Download Commit d5de41ccbd918585d764bc1b99a64d6f8d228ece d5de41ccbd918585d764bc1b99a64d6f8d228ece
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/GodotParadise/HealthComponent/archive/d5de41ccbd918585d764bc1b99a64d6f8d228ece.zip https://github.com/GodotParadise/HealthComponent/archive/d5de41ccbd918585d764bc1b99a64d6f8d228ece.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GodotParadise/HealthComponent/main/icon.jpg