Edit of asset "MarkdownLabel" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title MarkdownLabel MarkdownLabel
Description A custom node that extends RichTextLabel to use Markdown instead of BBCode.

# Usage:

Simply add a MarkdownLabel node to the scene and write its ``markdown_text`` field in Markdown format.

In the RichTextLabel properties:

- ``bbcode_enabled`` property must be enabled.
- Do not touch the ``text`` property, since it's internally used by MarkdownLabel to properly format its text.
- You can use the rest of its properties as normal.

You can still use BBCode tags that don't have a Markdown equivalent, such as ``[color=green]underlined text[/color]``, allowing you to have the full functionality of RichTextLabel with the simplicity and readibility of Markdown.

For more detailed info, check out the README file in the Github repository.
A custom node that extends RichTextLabel to use Markdown instead of BBCode.

# Usage:

Simply add a MarkdownLabel node to the scene and write its ``markdown_text`` field in Markdown format.

In the RichTextLabel properties:

- ``bbcode_enabled`` property must be enabled.
- Do not touch the ``text`` property, since it's internally used by MarkdownLabel to properly format its text.
- You can use the rest of its properties as normal.

You can still use BBCode tags that don't have a Markdown equivalent, such as ``[color=green]underlined text[/color]``, allowing you to have the full functionality of RichTextLabel with the simplicity and readibility of Markdown.

For more detailed info, check out the README file in the Github repository.
Category 2D Tools 2D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/daenvil/MarkdownLabel https://github.com/daenvil/MarkdownLabel
Issues Url https://github.com/daenvil/MarkdownLabel/issues https://github.com/daenvil/MarkdownLabel/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.1
Version String 1.2.0 1.0.0
Download Commit ad95a6563486e26054d249edba5434d1662b2a56 a8c09eb0fc7695fb295bde0b9d7ec547308b8166
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/daenvil/MarkdownLabel/archive/ad95a6563486e26054d249edba5434d1662b2a56.zip https://github.com/daenvil/MarkdownLabel/archive/a8c09eb0fc7695fb295bde0b9d7ec547308b8166.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daenvil/MarkdownLabel/main/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daenvil/MarkdownLabel/main/addons/markdownlabel/assets/screenshot.png