Edit of asset "RTS Camera2D" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title RTS Camera2D
Description To obtain 2.x version, see repository 2.x branch.

A RTS like Camera2D with move options by:
- right mouse button
- move mouse to edge of screen
- keys (InputMap)
Additionally possibility to zoom in/out by mouse wheel.
How to use:
- add node RTS-Camera2D
- check `Current` to true
- check exports which one you want
To obtain 2.x version, see repository 2.x branch.

A RTS like Camera2D with move options by:
- right mouse button
- move mouse to edge of screen
- keys (InputMap)
Additionally possibility to zoom in/out by mouse wheel.
How to use:
- add node RTS-Camera2D
- check `Current` to true
- check exports which one you want
Category 2D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/carmel4a/RTS-Camera2D
Issues Url https://github.com/carmel4a/RTS-Camera2D/issues
Godot version Godot 3.0 Godot 3.0
Version String v1.1.0 v1.1.0
Download Commit v1.1.0 v1.1.0
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/carmel4a/RTS-Camera2D/archive/v1.1.0.zip https://github.com/carmel4a/RTS-Camera2D/archive/v1.1.0.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carmel4a/RTS-Camera2D/master/Icon%20camera.png