Edit of asset "Godot Variant Notation" Accepted

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Title Godot Variant Notation Godot Variant Notation
Description Godot Variant Notation (GDVN) is a syntax built on top of JSON that allows for the easy parsing of any Godot Variant to and from Strings.

GDVN uses the constructor syntax to encode Variants into Strings, which keeps your data readable and easily parse-able.

The plugin provides a singleton/class called GDVN that functions exactly the same as Godot's built-in JSON class, making the conversion of existing JSON parsing code as simple as changing the class name.
Godot Variant Notation (GDVN) is a syntax built on top of JSON that allows for the easy parsing of any Godot Variant to and from Strings.

GDVN uses the constructor syntax to encode Variants into Strings, which keeps your data readable and easily parse-able.

The plugin provides a singleton/class called GDVN that functions exactly the same as Godot's built-in JSON class, making the conversion of existing JSON parsing code as simple as changing the class name.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/NiceDuckGames/GDVN https://github.com/NiceDuckGames/GDVN
Issues Url https://github.com/NiceDuckGames/GDVN/issues https://github.com/NiceDuckGames/GDVN/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1 Godot 4.1
Version String 1.1 1.0
Download Commit 07416a3be5377004b58c1d60596fa36690c8fcb8 8cac5d89f17f79b4eb63b48a294b1c0142c5d299
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/NiceDuckGames/GDVN/archive/07416a3be5377004b58c1d60596fa36690c8fcb8.zip https://github.com/NiceDuckGames/GDVN/archive/8cac5d89f17f79b4eb63b48a294b1c0142c5d299.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NiceDuckGames/GDVN/main/GDVNIcon.png