Edit of asset "Stairs Character" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Stairs Character Stairs Character
Description # Stairs Character

A simple to use class that enables your CharacterBody3D to handle stairs properly.

Mainly tested with the Jolt physics engine and cylinder colliders, not guaranteed to work well with anything else - but try it!

## Usage instructions:

1. Make your character controller extend `StairsCharacter` instead of `CharacterBody3D`.
2. Ensure your character's collider is named 'Collider'.
3. Every frame, set `desired_velocity` to the desired direction of movement.
4. Call `move_and_stair_step()` instead of calling `move_and_slide()`.
5. Done!

### Important:

Ensure your character collider's margin value is set low - at most 0.01. Anything higher might cause snags. If you find that you're still snagging on ledges, lower it some more.
A simple class you can extend to make your character support walking up stairs and other small steps.

1. Make your character controller extend StairsCharacter instead of CharacterBody3D.
2. Call handle_stairs() before calling move_and_slide().
3. Done!

If your controller uses multiple colliders, make sure the one closest to the ground is the first in the list.
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Andicraft/stairs-character https://github.com/Andicraft/stairs-character
Issues Url https://github.com/Andicraft/stairs-character/issues https://github.com/Andicraft/stairs-character/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.1
Version String 1.1.1 1.0
Download Commit 5403d02f6b64b49a1d1bd7af11dd51a6edfc9e6c e6a74292d5ffd9201ed8db503d2f0df49db09d50
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Andicraft/stairs-character/archive/5403d02f6b64b49a1d1bd7af11dd51a6edfc9e6c.zip https://github.com/Andicraft/stairs-character/archive/e6a74292d5ffd9201ed8db503d2f0df49db09d50.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Andicraft/stairs-character/main/icon.png