Edit of asset "Camera2D+" Accepted

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Title Camera2D+ Camera2D+
Description The "Camera2D+" plugin enhances the functionality of the built-in Camera2D node in Godot, providing additional features for game camera management. With Camera2D+, you can easily implement screen shake effects, screen flashes, and cinematic mode transitions in your 2D games. Take control of your in-game camera and create immersive and dynamic gameplay experiences with this versatile and user-friendly plugin. The "Camera2D+" plugin enhances the functionality of the built-in Camera2D node in Godot, providing additional features for game camera management. With Camera2D+, you can easily implement screen shake effects, screen flashes, and cinematic mode transitions in your 2D games. Take control of your in-game camera and create immersive and dynamic gameplay experiences with this versatile and user-friendly plugin.
Category 2D Tools 2D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/LucasBr003/camera-2d-plus https://github.com/LucasBr003/camera-2d-plus
Issues Url https://github.com/LucasBr003/camera-2d-plus/issues https://github.com/LucasBr003/camera-2d-plus/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.0
Version String 1.0.0 1.0.0
Download Commit f7d0dd805d71b8e37135906d9eab56d0d89ead83 f7d0dd805d71b8e37135906d9eab56d0d89ead83
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/LucasBr003/camera-2d-plus/archive/f7d0dd805d71b8e37135906d9eab56d0d89ead83.zip https://github.com/LucasBr003/camera-2d-plus/archive/f7d0dd805d71b8e37135906d9eab56d0d89ead83.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LucasBr003/camera-2d-plus/main/addons/camera_2d_plus/images/plugin_icon/plugin_icon.png