Edit of asset "Importality" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Importality
Description A bundle of raster graphics and animations import plugins for Godot 4.x. It supports:
Importing from:
- Aseprite
- Krita
- Pencil2D
- Piskel
- Pixelorama
Importing to:
- Regular images
- Sprite Sheet (JSON resource without text but with all the info in "data" property)
- SpriteFrames
- AnimatedSprite2D/3D
- Sprite2D/3D or TextureRect with AnimationPlayer
And it can import any other formats as regular images with external command-line utilities!
Please, read the README and Wiki in the repo!
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/nklbdev/godot-4-importality
Issues Url https://github.com/nklbdev/godot-4-importality/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1
Version String 0.3.0
Download Commit ecc9baa4561de8076e73f68636fee5274ac3a6b9 41758ea8e1a5e772ccff08f0e33c946374c7864e
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/nklbdev/godot-4-importality/archive/ecc9baa4561de8076e73f68636fee5274ac3a6b9.zip https://github.com/nklbdev/godot-4-importality/archive/41758ea8e1a5e772ccff08f0e33c946374c7864e.zip
Icon Url https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7024016/253817024-978a36e8-61e0-406e-8a35-b872eff51be0.png