Edit of asset "Starter Kit 3D Platformer" Accepted

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Title Starter Kit 3D Platformer Starter Kit 3D Platformer
Description Kenney's Starter Kit 3D Platformer is a basic template for a 3D platformer game in Godot 4.3 (stable). Includes features like;

- Character controller (with double jump)
- Collectable coins and falling platforms
- Camera controls (rotate, zoom)
- Gamepad support
- Sprites and 3D Models (CC0 licensed)
- Sound effects (CC0 licensed)
Kenney's Starter Kit 3D Platformer is a basic template which includes a basic character controller. Features:

- Character controller, with double jump
- Camera controls (rotate, zoom)
- Gamepad support
- Sprites and 3D Models (CC0 licensed)
- Sound effects (CC0 licensed)
Category Templates Templates
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/KenneyNL/Starter-Kit-3D-Platformer https://github.com/KenneyNL/Starter-Kit-3D-Platformer
Issues Url https://github.com/KenneyNL/Starter-Kit-3D-Platformer/issues https://github.com/KenneyNL/Starter-Kit-3D-Platformer/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3 Godot 4.1
Version String 1.1.0 1.0.0
Download Commit 6b5920404290124bead7de7790d6975b05139c67 0b17c0527a897b5fa1d590b6586196d510122e7c
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/KenneyNL/Starter-Kit-3D-Platformer/archive/6b5920404290124bead7de7790d6975b05139c67.zip https://github.com/KenneyNL/Starter-Kit-3D-Platformer/archive/0b17c0527a897b5fa1d590b6586196d510122e7c.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KenneyNL/Starter-Kit-3D-Platformer/main/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://github.com/KenneyNL/Starter-Kit-3D-Platformer/blob/main/screenshots/screenshot.png?raw=true