Edit of asset "Custom Theme Overrides" Accepted

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Title Custom Theme Overrides Custom Theme Overrides
Description Utility to make custom theme overrides for any node possible.

This plugin will auto register (via class_name) the class CustomThemeOverrides.

You should not use @export on your custom theme variables, as they will be exported with the _get_property_list method. Also setter and getter will not be called inside the editor.

If everything is set up, your theme override variables can be handled like every other theme override property.
Utility to make custom theme overrides for any node possible.
This plugin will auto register (via `class_name`) the class `CustomThemeOverrides`.

You should not use `@export` on your custom theme variables, as they will be exported with the `_get_property_list` method. Also setter and getter will not be called inside the editor.

If everything is set up, your theme override variables can be handled like every other theme override property.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider Custom Custom
Repository Url https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons
Issues Url https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/issues https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.1
Version String 1.1.0 1.0.2
Download Commit https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/releases/download/custom_theme_overrides-1.1.0/custom_theme_overrides-1_1_0.zip https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/releases/download/custom_theme_overrides-1.0.2/custom_theme_overrides-1_0_2.zip
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/releases/download/custom_theme_overrides-1.1.0/custom_theme_overrides-1_1_0.zip https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/releases/download/custom_theme_overrides-1.0.2/custom_theme_overrides-1_0_2.zip
Icon Url https://godotengine.org/assets/press/icon_color.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/640571393758781ab5b10ba5b35ae21f6359ac4d/doc/custom_theme_overrides.png