Edit of asset "AdMob" Accepted

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Title AdMob
Description Want to make money from your mobile game? The AdMob plugin created by Poing Studios for Godot v4.1+ lets you easily add ads to your game, whether you're on Android or iOS.

Just focus on making your game awesome, and let AdMob take care of the ads!
Want to make money from your mobile game? The AdMob plugin created by Poing Studios for Godot v4.1+ lets you easily add ads to your game, whether you're on Android or iOS.

Just focus on making your game awesome, and let AdMob take care of the ads!
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Poing-Studios/godot-admob-plugin
Issues Url https://github.com/Poing-Studios/godot-admob-plugin/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1
Version String v3.1.1
Download Commit b3f74e9ec65e68192f13dd9e9f5f5b15dde67040
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Poing-Studios/godot-admob-plugin/archive/b3f74e9ec65e68192f13dd9e9f5f5b15dde67040.zip
Icon Url https://i.imgur.com/T3Beai0.png