Edit of asset "Large Linear Algebra (c++)" Accepted

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Title Large Linear Algebra (c++) Large Linear Algebra (c++)
Description This GDExtension implements matrix algebra and solving routines for matrices of arbitrary dimensions. It is implemented in c++, using GDExtension to maximise performance. This extension implements three main types, that are directly accessible within GDScript: DenseMatrix, SparseMatrix, VectorN.

Its Features Include:
- Sparse and Dense Matrix representations with double precision arithmetic.
- Efficient Matrix-Matrix and Matrix-Vector multiplication for Dense and Sparse Matrices.
- Heterogenous arithmetic between different Matrix representations and Vectors, including Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction.
- Routines for the conversion between Dense and Sparse Matrices, and Godot built-in PackedFloat64Array types.
- Both In-place and Not-in-place variants of a number of arithmetical operations, for efficiency. Some operations are in-place only, and Matrices should be explicitly cloned if that is the desired behaviour.
- Direct solving using Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting for Dense Matrices
- Matrix inverses calculated using Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting for Dense Matrices
- Iterative solvers for Dense and Sparse Matrices, using the Conjugate Gradient Method.
This GDExtension implements matrix algebra and solving routines for matrices of arbitrary dimensions. It is implemented in c++, using GDExtension to maximise performance. This extension implements three main types, that are directly accessible within GDScript: DenseMatrix, SparseMatrix, VectorN.

Its Features Include:
- Sparse and Dense Matrix representations with double precision arithmetic.
- Efficient Matrix-Matrix and Matrix-Vector multiplication for Dense and Sparse Matrices.
- Heterogenous arithmetic between different Matrix representations and Vectors, including Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction.
- Routines for the conversion between Dense and Sparse Matrices, and Godot built-in PackedFloat64Array types.
- Both In-place and Not-in-place variants of a number of arithmetical operations, for efficiency. Some operations are in-place only, and Matrices should be explicitly cloned if that is the desired behaviour.
- Direct solving using Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting for Dense Matrices
- Matrix inverses calculated using Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting for Dense Matrices
- Iterative solvers for Dense and Sparse Matrices, using the Conjugate Gradient Method.
Category Misc Misc
License BSL-1.0 BSL-1.0
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Johnnoe2618/large-linear-algebra https://github.com/Johnnoe2618/large-linear-algebra
Issues Url https://github.com/Johnnoe2618/large-linear-algebra/issues https://github.com/Johnnoe2618/large-linear-algebra/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1 Godot 4.1
Version String 1.0.0 1.0.0
Download Commit 08dd5d028ee8d86db90d3975c8ae9327b5efacef 08dd5d028ee8d86db90d3975c8ae9327b5efacef
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Johnnoe2618/large-linear-algebra/archive/08dd5d028ee8d86db90d3975c8ae9327b5efacef.zip https://github.com/Johnnoe2618/large-linear-algebra/archive/08dd5d028ee8d86db90d3975c8ae9327b5efacef.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Johnnoe2618/large-linear-algebra/08dd5d028ee8d86db90d3975c8ae9327b5efacef/addons/largelinearalgebra/LargeLinearAlgebraIcon.png