Edit of asset "PerfBullets" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title PerfBullets
Description Spawn thousands of bullets or particles on screen in an extremely performant way! This plugin uses the MultiMeshInstance2D to render thousands of bullets easily while running the logic in C++ to keep things fast! Use this for bullet hell or danmaku-type games! Now version 1.2!

Here is the full repository for documentation: https://github.com/Moonzel/Godot-PerfBullets
Spawn thousands of bullets or particles on screen in an extremely performant way! This plugin uses the MultiMeshInstance2D to render thousands of bullets easily while running the logic in C++ to keep things fast! Use this for bullet hell or danmaku type games! Now version 1.1.0!

Here is the full repository for documentation: https://github.com/Moonzel/Godot-PerfBullets
Category 2D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Moonzel/Godot-PerfBullets
Issues Url https://github.com/Moonzel/Godot-PerfBullets/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 1.2
Download Commit 1e9d233a0cc04fd45090b2036c248e37338f9aca 35f1781119b8ef6db5e26a5395c65ba623bb874e
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Moonzel/Godot-PerfBullets/archive/1e9d233a0cc04fd45090b2036c248e37338f9aca.zip https://github.com/Moonzel/Godot-PerfBullets/archive/35f1781119b8ef6db5e26a5395c65ba623bb874e.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Moonzel/Public_Gifs_For_Projects_Moonzel/main/PerfBulletsLogo.png