Edit of asset "HFSM2" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title HFSM2
Description A powerful Hierarchical Finite State Machine plugin.

## Features
1. Prefect visual editor.
2. Visualized debugger.
3. High perforamce, building base on GDExtension.
4. Supports hierarchical nesting and can be used in complex situations.
5. Diversified transition plans.
6. Two development modes: signal callbacks and attached state scripts.
8. Has ability of working with animaions( Can be an Animation State Mechine).
7. Attch GDScript/CSharpScript to implement State Logic.
A Hierarchical Finite State Machine.

## Features
1. Prefect visual editor.
2. Visualized debugger.
3. High perforamce, building base on GDExtension.
4. Supports hierarchical nesting and can be used in complex situations.
5. Diversified transition plans.
6. Two development modes: signal callbacks and attached state scripts.
8. Has ability of working with animaions( Can be an Animation State Mechine).
7. Attch GDScript/CSharpScript to implement State Logic.
8. Attch GDScript/CSharpScript to implement Transition Logic (full version only).

Note: currently is alpha version.
Category Misc
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Daylily-Zeleen/HFSM2/
Issues Url https://github.com/Daylily-Zeleen/HFSM2/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 2.1.3
Download Commit de94fb69af12901125c13576aadd556bec3451d9 c62147a75b50b923561305791e3ff22afd18c4d5
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Daylily-Zeleen/HFSM2/archive/de94fb69af12901125c13576aadd556bec3451d9.zip https://github.com/Daylily-Zeleen/HFSM2/archive/c62147a75b50b923561305791e3ff22afd18c4d5.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/Daylily-Zeleen/HFSM2/blob/main/icon.png?raw=true