Edit of asset "Run instance" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Run instance Run instance
Description When you develop a multiplayer game you need to start multiple instances of client and server. This addon will help you with this. You will be able to load tscn and kill the session if you need to. When you develop a multiplayer game you need to start multiple instances of client and server. This addon will help you with this. You will be able to load tscn and kill the session if you need to.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitLab GitLab
Repository Url https://gitlab.com/GhodBase/runscene https://gitlab.com/GhodBase/runscene
Issues Url https://gitlab.com/GhodBase/runscene/issues https://gitlab.com/GhodBase/runscene/issues
Godot version Godot 3.4 Godot 3.0.4
Version String 1.4 1.0
Download Commit cfc00450e73b2ca3797ff9377db32d9fb996ab3f 97e4ae2cfde19c2aad6220148447f99d17ef0fd3
Download Url (Computed) https://gitlab.com/GhodBase/runscene/-/archive/cfc00450e73b2ca3797ff9377db32d9fb996ab3f.zip https://gitlab.com/GhodBase/runscene/-/archive/97e4ae2cfde19c2aad6220148447f99d17ef0fd3.zip
Icon Url https://gitlab.com/GhodBase/runscene/raw/master/addons/GhodBase.RunInstance/play.png