Edit of asset "Third Person Controller" Accepted

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Title Third Person Controller Third Person Controller
Description A simple 3rd person controller
You can move forward/backward strafe left and right and jump
The mouse control the orientation

You just have to add this controller to your player scene as a child and specify the KinematicBody of your player in the inspector
A simple 3rd person controller
You can move forward/backward strafe left and right and jump
The mouse control the orientation

You just have to add this controller to your player scene as a child and specify the KinematicBody of your player in the inspector
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Sombresonge/Third-Person-Controller https://github.com/Sombresonge/Third-Person-Controller.git
Issues Url https://github.com/Sombresonge/Third-Person-Controller/issues https://github.com/Sombresonge/Third-Person-Controller.git/issues
Godot version Godot 3.0 Godot 3.0
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit cba7a376462c73500a4a499f2898ddfef9eb26fb cba7a376462c73500a4a499f2898ddfef9eb26fb
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Sombresonge/Third-Person-Controller/archive/cba7a376462c73500a4a499f2898ddfef9eb26fb.zip https://github.com/Sombresonge/Third-Person-Controller.git/archive/cba7a376462c73500a4a499f2898ddfef9eb26fb.zip
Icon Url https://image.ibb.co/dtfgqe/project_icon.png