Edit of asset "Git SHA Project Setting" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Git SHA Project Setting Metadata
Description Previously named Metadata.

Adds the project setting application/config/git_sha, which contains the current Git SHA. This one is automatically set and updated when you run any scene or on exporting the project. The git_sha will not be kept in project.godot to not clutter any version control system. It will be removed from the settings on closing the Godot Editor.
Adds two project settings

- application/config/version

Define the version of your software.

- application/config/git_sha

This one is automatically set and updated when you run any scene or on exporting the project. The git_sha will not be kept in project.godot to not clutter any version control system.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider Custom Custom
Repository Url https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons
Issues Url https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/issues https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.1
Version String 2.1.0 1.2.0
Download Commit https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/releases/download/git_sha_project_setting-2.1.0/git_sha_project_setting-2_1_0.zip https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/releases/download/metadata-1.2.0/metadata-1_2_0.zip
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/releases/download/git_sha_project_setting-2.1.0/git_sha_project_setting-2_1_0.zip https://github.com/kenyoni-software/godot-addons/releases/download/metadata-1.2.0/metadata-1_2_0.zip
Icon Url https://godotengine.org/assets/press/icon_color.png