Edit of asset "Pin code tool" Accepted

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Title Pin code tool Pin code tool
Description This tool allow you to make a pin code like in a phone.
You can chose if the pattern has to close with the boolean has_to_close, and the number of lines it should have with drawing_lenght, the color of the line with color.
When the lenght of the drawing defined is match, the drawing will end. You can restart it with the restart_drawing function.
To use the pattern, you can compare the list checkbox_list to the pattern you want.
By default here, a line follow your mouse while drawing. I had problems with it when inserting it into bigger scenes. You can turn it off by commenting the lines 56 and 58 of the attached script.
I hope it is of use to someone.
This tool allow you to make a pin code like in a phone.
You can chose if the pattern has to close with the boolean has_to_close, and the number of lines it should have with drawing_lenght, the color of the line with color.
When the lenght of the drawing defined is match, the drawing will end. You can restart it with the restart_drawing function.
To use the pattern, you can compare the list checkbox_list to the pattern you want.
By default here, a line follow your mouse while drawing. I had problems with it when inserting it into bigger scenes. You can turn it off by commenting the lines 56 and 58 of the attached script.
I hope it is of use to someone.
Category Tools Tools
License CC0 CC0
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Moynilr/GodotPinCodeLike https://github.com/Moynilr/GodotPinCodeLike
Issues Url https://github.com/Moynilr/GodotPinCodeLike/issues https://github.com/Moynilr/GodotPinCodeLike/issues
Godot version Godot 3.3 Godot 3.3
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 5d08215f9677e4b03d90fe7fee945c6d97939601 5d08215f9677e4b03d90fe7fee945c6d97939601
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Moynilr/GodotPinCodeLike/archive/5d08215f9677e4b03d90fe7fee945c6d97939601.zip https://github.com/Moynilr/GodotPinCodeLike/archive/5d08215f9677e4b03d90fe7fee945c6d97939601.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Moynilr/GodotPinCodeLike/main/preview.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Moynilr/GodotPinCodeLike/main/preview.png