Edit of asset "Parallax 2D node" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Parallax 2D node
Description Provides parallax 2D node to avoid using ParallaxBackground

This is a plugin for Godot Engine 4.X that provides new class Parallax inherited from Node2D that moves itself relative to actual viewport center. It helps create beautiful volumetric decorations like foliage, distant or near objects ant other effects based on following viewport.

This is a port of the similar plugin from Godot 3.4.X to 4.X.X (https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/1557)

You can:

- Disable/enable it in game and optionally in editor
- Control motion_scale and motion_offset like in ParallaxLayer
- Set process mode (Process / Physics process)
Category 2D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/nklbdev/godot-4-parallax-node
Issues Url https://github.com/nklbdev/godot-4-parallax-node/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0
Version String 1.0.1
Download Commit 663999281ef745267e2d6db6b8d21cb3d2ac88b2 663999281ef745267e2d6db6b8d21cb3d2ac88b2
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/nklbdev/godot-4-parallax-node/archive/663999281ef745267e2d6db6b8d21cb3d2ac88b2.zip https://github.com/nklbdev/godot-4-parallax-node/archive/663999281ef745267e2d6db6b8d21cb3d2ac88b2.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nklbdev/godot-4-parallax-node/main/addons/nklbdev.parallax/icon.png