Edit of asset "Palette Tools" Accepted

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Title Palette Tools
Description This is a small addon that allows for easy color palette integration in Godot 4. Quickly Create/Download palettes. Load/Save for use any time. Comes with the ability to quickly switch the editor's color-picker swatches as well as a custom color picker that can switch between palettes on demand. Download option currently supports Lospec palettes.

Tool will appear in the same dock as the inspector/node/history tabs. It also will override the editor's color-picker when using the inspector.
This is a small addon that allows for easy color palette integration in Godot 4. Quickly Create/Download palettes. Load/Save for use any time. Comes with the ability to quickly switch the editor's color-picker swatches as well as a custom color picker that can switch between palettes on demand. Download option currently supports Lospec palettes.

Tool will appear in the same dock as the inspector/node/history tabs. It also will override the editor's color-picker when using the inspector.
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/RancidMilkGames/GodotPaletteTools
Issues Url https://github.com/RancidMilkGames/GodotPaletteTools/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0
Version String 1.5 1.3
Download Commit 47c09b8d6e43a0acc0380a1344a4b2282f95d49b 0df6e4f3ab6f6213a8c83696fcf884f2d1ddacc9
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/RancidMilkGames/GodotPaletteTools/archive/47c09b8d6e43a0acc0380a1344a4b2282f95d49b.zip https://github.com/RancidMilkGames/GodotPaletteTools/archive/0df6e4f3ab6f6213a8c83696fcf884f2d1ddacc9.zip
Icon Url https://i.imgur.com/xMutDOg.png