Edit of asset " Thirdperson Controller (.NET) " Accepted

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Title Thirdperson Controller (.NET)
Description This is a thirdperson controller made with C# in the .NET version of Godot 4.0. It doesn't have sounds or a complex model so you just have what you really need.
It rotates your input and smoothly rotates your mesh to the camera rotation.
You can watch the great demo video
This is a thirdperson controller made with C# in the mono version of godot. The template supports gamepads, mouse and keyboard. It doesn't have sounds or a complex model so you just have what you really need.
It rotates your input and smoothly rotates your mesh to the camera rotation.
You can watch the great demo video
Currently running in Godot 4 beta 10
Category Templates
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/vaporvee/gd-net-thirdpersoncontroller
Issues Url https://github.com/vaporvee/gd-net-thirdpersoncontroller/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0
Version String 2.1 2.0
Download Commit ab3193c1f92775a053eb2a0ff98f7b2e4a221c8a 88db434420e60b67423ed778bb958b234bc00d6d
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/vaporvee/gd-net-thirdpersoncontroller/archive/ab3193c1f92775a053eb2a0ff98f7b2e4a221c8a.zip https://github.com/vaporvee/gd-net-thirdpersoncontroller/archive/88db434420e60b67423ed778bb958b234bc00d6d.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vaporvee/gd-net-thirdpersoncontroller/master/icon.png