Edit of asset "HealthBar2D" Accepted

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Title HealthBar2D
Description This project is a Godot Engine addon that adds a HealthBar2D node to the editor. It extends the TextureProgress node and can be used to make various Progress bars that can represent Health, Stamina, Hunger, etc.

Read README.md for instructions and take a look at example.tscn.
This project is a Godot Engine addon that adds a HealthBar2D node to the editor. It extends the TextureProgress node and can be used to make various Progress bars that can represent Health, Stamina, Hunger, etc.

Read README.md for instructions and take a look at example.tscn.
Category 2D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/vi4hu/godot_health_bar_2d
Issues Url https://github.com/vi4hu/godot_health_bar_2d/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5
Version String 0.2.0 0.2.0
Download Commit d96b0d5f253824df1be291e5f4d2c0ff003fdedd d96b0d5f253824df1be291e5f4d2c0ff003fdedd
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/vi4hu/godot_health_bar_2d/archive/d96b0d5f253824df1be291e5f4d2c0ff003fdedd.zip https://github.com/vi4hu/godot_health_bar_2d/archive/d96b0d5f253824df1be291e5f4d2c0ff003fdedd.zip
Icon Url https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66784253/211215415-80537f1b-c3b8-42ea-90ea-bf20cdafd01e.png