Edit of asset "Godot QOI (4.1.3+)" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Godot QOI (4.1.3+)
Description QOI (Quite OK Image Format) integration for Godot Engine 4.1.3+.

This is a GDExtension library. Includes precompiled binaries for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and Web, but it must compile for each platform which Godot Engine supports.

- Fastest encoding and fast decoding (when working with the QOI class in scripts)
- Editor integration (use .qoi as regular textures)
- Cross-platform
- Simple API

- Large file size when working with .qoi files directly (compared to PNG or WebP, more than 2-3 times larger)

* After installation, please restart the editor.

For more info click on "View Files"
QOI (Quite OK Image Format) integration for Godot Engine 4.x.

This is a GDExtension library. Includes precompiled binaries for Windows, Linux, macOS and Android, but it must compile for each platform which Godot Engine supports.

- Fastest encoding and fast decoding (when working with the QOI class)
- Editor integration (use .qoi like regular textures)
- Cross-platform
- Simple API

- Large file size when working with .qoi files directly (compared to PNG or WebP. more than 2-3 times larger)

* After installation, please restart the editor.

For more info click on "View Files"

Category Misc
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/DmitriySalnikov/godot_qoi
Issues Url https://github.com/DmitriySalnikov/godot_qoi/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1
Version String 2.1.1 2.0.2
Download Commit 3266e532d8b5dc71e36c85e706f2c058b884e626 1ce0d2ec51e1dc260865b606e4e7bcc90e522cc0
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/DmitriySalnikov/godot_qoi/archive/3266e532d8b5dc71e36c85e706f2c058b884e626.zip https://github.com/DmitriySalnikov/godot_qoi/archive/1ce0d2ec51e1dc260865b606e4e7bcc90e522cc0.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DmitriySalnikov/godot_qoi/e2c844e54be6f99d9a88eca23a3b737cc707cf48/icon.png