Edit of asset "TODO Manager (Godot 3.x)" Accepted

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Title TODO Manager (Godot 3.x) TODO Manager (Godot 3.x)
Description A plugin to view TODOs and other tags created in code similar to those found in popular IDEs.
TODO Manager has a lenient style, endlessly customizable and fits perfectly into the Godot editor.
- Seamlessly integrated into the Godot dock
- Lenient syntax. Write TODOs that suit your style
- Quickly jump to lines
- Add your own RegEx patterns
- Set colours to your liking
- Supports GDScript, C#, C/CPP (GDNative)
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/OrigamiDev-Pete/TODO_Manager
Issues Url https://github.com/OrigamiDev-Pete/TODO_Manager/issues
Godot version Godot 3.0
Version String 1.3.0
Download Commit 0f87bd606084bc421e307196057cd6b1f18dabc3
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/OrigamiDev-Pete/TODO_Manager/archive/0f87bd606084bc421e307196057cd6b1f18dabc3.zip
Icon Url https://imgur.com/IJPdZqv.png