Edit of asset "MultiMesh Scatter" Accepted

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Title MultiMesh Scatter MultiMesh Scatter
Description A simple tool to randomly place meshes.

🧩 Features

- Scatter objects in the scene. Instances automatically rotate to the normal of the terrain.
- Adjust the scatter type, size and collision layer and randomize the size and rotation.
- Clustering: Place instances in tight groups together.
- Apply advanced constraint options to scatter according to:
- Terrain angle
- Vertex color
- Chunks: Split the MultiMeshScatter node into chunks.
A simple tool to randomly place meshes.
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/arcaneenergy/godot-multimesh-scatter https://github.com/arcaneenergy/godot-multimesh-scatter
Issues Url https://github.com/arcaneenergy/godot-multimesh-scatter/issues https://github.com/arcaneenergy/godot-multimesh-scatter/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.0
Version String 1.1.0 1.0.0
Download Commit 57b7fc9cdafb9962c8f7ae8889e75196a9659ff5 86f1f68f4800c98fe46b2620511ba882bcb3bed6
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/arcaneenergy/godot-multimesh-scatter/archive/57b7fc9cdafb9962c8f7ae8889e75196a9659ff5.zip https://github.com/arcaneenergy/godot-multimesh-scatter/archive/86f1f68f4800c98fe46b2620511ba882bcb3bed6.zip
Icon Url https://arcaneenergy.github.io/posts/multimesh-scatter/icon.svg