Edit of asset "Toki Pona RichTextLabel" Accepted

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Title Toki Pona RichTextLabel Toki Pona RichTextLabel
Description A custom RichTextLabel Node which translates toki pona words written in regular text (standard latin characters) into sitelen pona glyphs. The glyphs in the font used are mapped to characters which do not appear in toki pona text, so the translation turns each word into one of those characters, which then appears as the sitelen pona glyph from the font. A custom RichTextLabel Node which translates toki pona words written in regular text (standard latin characters) into sitelen pona glyphs. The glyphs in the font used are mapped to characters which do not appear in toki pona text, so the translation turns each word into one of those characters, which then appears as the sitelen pona glyph from the font.
Category 2D Tools 2D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/wawaboopboop/toki-pona-richtextlabel-Godot https://github.com/wawaboopboop/toki-pona-richtextlabel-Godot
Issues Url https://github.com/wawaboopboop/toki-pona-richtextlabel-Godot/issues https://github.com/wawaboopboop/toki-pona-richtextlabel-Godot/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5 Godot 3.5
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 7621311616aebfc964ae77d0eee6a1796933a13b 7621311616aebfc964ae77d0eee6a1796933a13b
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/wawaboopboop/toki-pona-richtextlabel-Godot/archive/7621311616aebfc964ae77d0eee6a1796933a13b.zip https://github.com/wawaboopboop/toki-pona-richtextlabel-Godot/archive/7621311616aebfc964ae77d0eee6a1796933a13b.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dawnblairr/toki-pona-richtextlabel-Godot/main/addons/Toki_Pona_RichTextLabel/icon.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dawnblairr/toki-pona-richtextlabel-Godot/main/example-usage.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wawaboopboop/toki-pona-richtextlabel-Godot/main/tokipona.gif