Edit of asset "Instance Dock" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Instance Dock Instance Dock
Description Adds a dock where you can store scenes for quick access. The scenes are organized into tabs. Drag and drop the scene to slot to assign it and then you can drag and drop from the dock onto your level scene.

The plugin generates a preview for each scene in dock using a viewport. It only supports 2D scene previews, but you can drop a texture on an occupied slot to assign a custom icon. Right-click a slot to access it's context menu.

You can override properties for each scene to keep multiple versions of it and there is also a Paint Mode that allows for easier placing of the instances.

Check the repo for more info and GIFs.
Adds a dock where you can store scenes for quick access. The scenes are organized into tabs. Drag and drop the scene to slot to assign it and then you can drag and drop from the dock onto your level scene.

The plugin generates a preview for each scene in dock using a viewport. It only supports 2D scene previews, but you can drop a texture on an occupied slot to assign a custom icon. Right-click a slot to access it's context menu.

Check the repo for more info and GIFs.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Instance-Dock https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Instance-Dock
Issues Url https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Instance-Dock/issues https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Instance-Dock/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.0
Version String 1.3.1 1.2
Download Commit 9e7f9664f8a020c0b31220901c06a49012135f40 a61b4f8c16f84c54af9b59cd248bdf0102ca76d7
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Instance-Dock/archive/9e7f9664f8a020c0b31220901c06a49012135f40.zip https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Instance-Dock/archive/a61b4f8c16f84c54af9b59cd248bdf0102ca76d7.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Instance-Dock/blob/master/Media/Icon.png?raw=1
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Instance-Dock/blob/master/Media/Screenshot1.png?raw=1
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Instance-Dock/blob/master/Media/Screenshot2.png?raw=1