Edit of asset "intro-gd" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title intro-gd intro-gd
Description easy to use add-on for creating tutorials and introduction section inside Godot scenes.
Create an IntroController, and set its name/theme (for label and buttons). Then add IntroTip nodes to it as children. set highlighted area for your tip using Godot's native polygon tool, give it a tip text, and then start the intro by calling start() on Introcontroller.
easy to use add-on for creating tutorials and introduction section inside Godot scenes.
Create an IntroController, and set its name/theme (for label and buttons). Then add IntroTip nodes to it as children. set highlighted area for your tip using Godot's native polygon tool, give it a tip text, and then start the intro by calling start() on Introcontroller.
Category 2D Tools 2D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/farhadi-erfan/intro-gd https://github.com/farhadi-erfan/intro-gd
Issues Url https://github.com/farhadi-erfan/intro-gd/issues https://github.com/farhadi-erfan/intro-gd/issues
Godot version Godot 3.4 Godot 3.4
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit ca2d2d9661855ebe25a21e3e919ab7960c9c03e7 ca2d2d9661855ebe25a21e3e919ab7960c9c03e7
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/farhadi-erfan/intro-gd/archive/ca2d2d9661855ebe25a21e3e919ab7960c9c03e7.zip https://github.com/farhadi-erfan/intro-gd/archive/ca2d2d9661855ebe25a21e3e919ab7960c9c03e7.zip
Icon Url https://i.ibb.co/sW3298R/controller-icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://i.ibb.co/MkyYRzV/Screenshot-2022-07-13-141948.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://i.ibb.co/sgvHv2V/Screenshot-2022-07-13-141916.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://i.ibb.co/DYXG2XQ/Screenshot-2022-07-13-142714.png