Edit of asset "Unofficial LaunchDarkly client-side SDK" Accepted

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Title Unofficial LaunchDarkly client-side SDK Unofficial LaunchDarkly client-side SDK
Description This is not an official LaunchDarkly product. This is a personal project.

LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform that helps teams control and deliver better software, faster.

This LaunchDarkly Client-Side SDK for Godot is designed primarily for use by code that is deployed to an end user, such as in a desktop application or a smart device. It follows the client-side LaunchDarkly model for single-user contexts (much like their mobile or JavaScript SDKs). It is not intended for use in multi-user systems such as web servers and applications.
This is not an official LaunchDarkly product. This is a personal project.

LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform that helps teams control and deliver better software, faster.

The LaunchDarkly Client-Side SDK for Godot is designed primarily for use by code that is deployed to an end user, such as in a desktop application or a smart device. It follows the client-side LaunchDarkly model for single-user contexts (much like our mobile or JavaScript SDKs). It is not intended for use in multi-user systems such as web servers and applications.
Category Scripts Scripts
License Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/brooswit/godot-ld-client-sdk https://github.com/brooswit/godot-ld-client-sdk
Issues Url https://github.com/brooswit/godot-ld-client-sdk/issues https://github.com/brooswit/godot-ld-client-sdk/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5 Godot 3.4
Version String 0.0.13 0.0.11
Download Commit e9560baf85cde38d9c05290cb1156a2a6bfd6259 6fc171b87171989b20267d37bd0156594728ea1e
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/brooswit/godot-ld-client-sdk/archive/e9560baf85cde38d9c05290cb1156a2a6bfd6259.zip https://github.com/brooswit/godot-ld-client-sdk/archive/6fc171b87171989b20267d37bd0156594728ea1e.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brooswit/godot-ld-client-sdk/main/logo.png