Edit of asset "CSV Object Importer" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title CSV Object Importer CSV Object Importer
Description Adds a custom .csv importer that can import the rows to a CSVData resource which has a dictionary holding all the rows as predefined objects (via your own class), with ids (also defined by you) as keys. Adds a custom .csv importer that can import the rows to a CSVData resource which has a dictionary holding all the rows as predefined objects (via your own class), with ids (also defined by you) as keys.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Anaxie-Studio/CSVDataImporter https://github.com/Anaxie-Studio/CSVDataImporter
Issues Url https://github.com/Anaxie-Studio/CSVDataImporter/issues https://github.com/Anaxie-Studio/CSVDataImporter/issues
Godot version Godot 3.4 Godot 3.4
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 9c40ffa1ae392876be7417ba36a289577308244e 9c40ffa1ae392876be7417ba36a289577308244e
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Anaxie-Studio/CSVDataImporter/archive/9c40ffa1ae392876be7417ba36a289577308244e.zip https://github.com/Anaxie-Studio/CSVDataImporter/archive/9c40ffa1ae392876be7417ba36a289577308244e.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anaxie-Studio/CSVDataImporter/main/icon.png