Edit of asset "PostgreSQL Client in GDScript" Accepted

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Title PostgreSQL Client in GDScript PostgreSQL Client in GDScript
Description Godot PostgreSQL Client is a GDscript script / class that allows you to connect to a Postgres backend and run SQL commands there. It is able to send data and receive it from the backend. Useful for managing player user data on a multiplayer game, by saving a large amount of data on a dedicated Postgres server from GDscript.
The class is written in pure GDScript which allows it not to depend on GDExtention. This makes it ultra portable for many platforms.

Detailed documentation: https://github.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient/wiki/Documentation
Godot PostgreSQL Client is a GDscript script / class that allows you to connect to a Postgres backend and run SQL commands there. It is able to send data and receive it from the backend. Useful for managing player user data on a multiplayer game, by saving a large amount of data on a dedicated Postgres server from GDscript.
The class is written in pure GDScript which allows it not to depend on GDNative. This makes it ultra portable for many platforms.

Detailed documentation: https://github.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient/wiki/Documentation
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient https://github.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient
Issues Url https://github.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient/issues https://github.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.0
Version String 10.3 10.0
Download Commit 193655a10ca35d9f7af8a3e92fd358d9c69e5509 287bbe24d815e643d661f843ab48139ce27b06d5
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient/archive/193655a10ca35d9f7af8a3e92fd358d9c69e5509.zip https://github.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient/archive/287bbe24d815e643d661f843ab48139ce27b06d5.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Marzin-bot/PostgreSQLClient/main/icon.png