Edit of asset "Todo Cards" Accepted

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Title Todo Cards
Description TDC is a plugin that works in the main editor window, it's optimized for performance, no single line of code in _process, it depends on the Signals only and it only saves when you press Ctrl-S while the plugin window is visible.


1- It saves in 'addons/todo-cards' folder, there's a file called data.tdp -> TodoProject, it's encrypted. replace it in real-time and the project will update when you change window back to godot. if you want to restore to default just delete it and disable then enable the plugin back.

2- You can export and import cards easily, the generated cards are in 'addons/todo-cards/exported-cards'. it exports Card Name.tdc -> TodoCard and it's a plain text file. after that you will find all the exported cards that are located in the export folder when you press Options -> Import.

3- You can add up to 12 flag colors to each card, it generates a color randomly and you can replace the color when you press on the flag button.

4- don't forget to save regularly before changing Window or after you make any changes, shortcut [Ctrl + S]
TDC is a plugin that works in the main editor window, it's optimized for performance, no single line of code in _process, it depends on the Signals only and it only saves when you press Ctrl-S while the plugin window is visible.


1- It saves in 'addons/todo-cards' folder, there's a file called data.tdp -> TodoProject, it's encrypted. replace it in real-time and the project will update when you change window back to godot. if you want to restore to default just delete it and disable then enable the plugin back.

2- You can export and import cards easily, the generated cards are in 'addons/todo-cards/exported-cards'. it exports Card Name.tdc -> TodoCard and it's a plain text file. after that you will find all the exported cards that are located in the export folder when you press Options -> Import.

3- You can add up to 12 flag colors to each card, it generates a color randomly and you can replace the color when you press on the flag button.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/WhalesState/godot-todo-cards
Issues Url https://github.com/WhalesState/godot-todo-cards/issues
Godot version Godot 3.4
Version String 0.1.1
Download Commit 6bc851c1071454554d47418c261b62eaf22de193 96284b5ee2b5f772740edf39382cb12c5efc2a3c
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/WhalesState/godot-todo-cards/archive/6bc851c1071454554d47418c261b62eaf22de193.zip https://github.com/WhalesState/godot-todo-cards/archive/96284b5ee2b5f772740edf39382cb12c5efc2a3c.zip
Icon Url https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53877170/148646778-d4e9ea12-cc39-4224-aa23-918ab6e30ba8.png