Edit of asset "Random Audio Stream Player" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Random Audio Stream Player
Description This plugin will add Random Audio Stream Player Nodes (standard, 2D and 3D) that can be used as normal Audio Stream Player Nodes with the added ability to play randomly audio from an array of audio streams with the possibility to choose the random strategy and to randomize the volume and the pitch.
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitLab
Repository Url https://gitlab.com/timkrief/godot-random-audio-stream-player
Issues Url https://gitlab.com/timkrief/godot-random-audio-stream-player/issues
Godot version Godot 3.4 Godot 3.4
Version String 1.1.1 1.1.1
Download Commit b5bcccaed6719f11d030b14b612d87a1797b2ac1 b5bcccaed6719f11d030b14b612d87a1797b2ac1
Download Url (Computed) https://gitlab.com/timkrief/godot-random-audio-stream-player/-/archive/b5bcccaed6719f11d030b14b612d87a1797b2ac1.zip https://gitlab.com/timkrief/godot-random-audio-stream-player/-/archive/b5bcccaed6719f11d030b14b612d87a1797b2ac1.zip
Icon Url https://gitlab.com/timkrief/godot-random-audio-stream-player/-/raw/master/icon.png