Edit of asset "Translations From JSON (Godot 3.x)" Accepted

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Title Translations From JSON (Godot 3.x) Translations From JSON
Description This is a small plugin that allows loading translation texts from JSON files.


1. Install the plugin into your project
2. Add JSON translations files into your project in .json format.
3. Add the file to translations using Project Settings > Localization > Add (Select "All files (*)" to see the JSON file)

Example JSON Format:

"locale": "en",
"messages": {
"HELLOWORLD": "Hello world!",
"ANOTHERTEXT": "This is another text."
This is a small plugin that allows loading translation texts from JSON files.


1. Install the plugin into your project
2. Add JSON translations files into your project in .json format.
3. Add the file to translations using Project Settings > Localization > Add (Select "All files (*)" to see the JSON file)

Example JSON Format:

"locale": "en",
"messages": {
"HELLOWORLD": "Hello world!",
"ANOTHERTEXT": "This is another text."
Category Misc Misc
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/AliYil/TranslationsFromJson/ https://github.com/AliYil/TranslationsFromJson
Issues Url https://github.com/AliYil/TranslationsFromJson/tree/3.x/issues https://github.com/AliYil/TranslationsFromJson/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5 Godot 3.4
Version String 1.0 0.1
Download Commit e0e1fa45839a4f0fe3f12102bb3c6418675110c4 bf551e7dbddbbf831ddaf33610ab00499c009908
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/AliYil/TranslationsFromJson/archive/e0e1fa45839a4f0fe3f12102bb3c6418675110c4.zip https://github.com/AliYil/TranslationsFromJson/archive/bf551e7dbddbbf831ddaf33610ab00499c009908.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AliYil/TranslationsFromJson/e0e1fa45839a4f0fe3f12102bb3c6418675110c4/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://i.imgur.com/Gx2umOy.png