Edit of asset "PlatformerController2D" Accepted

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Title PlatformerController2D PlatformerController2D
Description This is a platformer class with many tweakable settings which can be used to control a 2D character (think supermario 1).

- Double jump
- Coyote time
- Jump buffer
- Hold jump to go higher
- Defining jump height and duration (as opposed to setting gravity and jump velocity)
- Assymetrical jumps (falling faster than rising)
This is a platformer class with many tweakable settings which can be used to control a 2D character (think supermario 1).

- Double jump
- Coyote time
- Jump buffer
- Hold jump to go higher
- Defining jump height and duration (as opposed to setting gravity and jump velocity)
- Assymetrical jumps (falling faster than rising)

##Customization / Export variables
There are many value that you can change in the inspector:



The height of your jump in the air (i.e. double jump, triple jump etc.).

How long it takes to get to the peak of the jump (in seconds).

Multiplies the gravity by this while falling.

How many times you can jump before hitting the ground. Set this to 2 for a double jump.

How much you accelerate when you hold left or right (in pixels/sec^2).


If this is off, you have to press jump down every time you land. If its on you can keep it held.

You can still jump this many seconds after falling off a ledge.

Pressing jump this many seconds before hitting the ground will still make you jump. Note: This is only needed when can_hold_jump is off.

Set these to the names of your actions in the Input Map
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Ev01/PlatformerController2D https://github.com/Ev01/PlatformerController2D
Issues Url https://github.com/Ev01/PlatformerController2D/issues https://github.com/Ev01/PlatformerController2D/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 3.3
Version String 2.0.2 1.0
Download Commit 1fcf58d14f4b951b5b6917099f235c94cdbb36d6 13cc58987744e8eb075d178ea6abb891840b829a
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Ev01/PlatformerController2D/archive/1fcf58d14f4b951b5b6917099f235c94cdbb36d6.zip https://github.com/Ev01/PlatformerController2D/archive/13cc58987744e8eb075d178ea6abb891840b829a.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ev01/PlatformerController2D/assets/mario.jpg