Edit of asset "Rabid Hole Punch" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Rabid Hole Punch Rabid Hole Punch
Description Godot plugin that, alongside the Rabid Hole Punch Server, allows peer to peer communication via UDP Hole Punching between devices that are behind NAT

You will need to deploy the server in a public accessible machine. Link to the server code: https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-server

You have an example of usage here: https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-example
Godot plugin that, alongside the Rabid Hole Punch Server, allows peer to peer communication via UDP Hole Punching between devices that are behind NAT

You will need to deploy the server in a public accessible machine. Link to the server code: https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-server

You have an example of usage here: https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-example
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitLab GitLab
Repository Url https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-godot https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-godot
Issues Url https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-godot/issues https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-godot/issues
Godot version Godot 3.3 Godot 3.3
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit c38ff8ae736605610093989a2e485b55e22e395f c38ff8ae736605610093989a2e485b55e22e395f
Download Url (Computed) https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-godot/-/archive/c38ff8ae736605610093989a2e485b55e22e395f.zip https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-godot/-/archive/c38ff8ae736605610093989a2e485b55e22e395f.zip
Icon Url https://gitlab.com/RabidTunes/rabid-hole-punch-godot/-/raw/main/icon.png