Edit of asset "GodotXterm - Terminal Emulator" Accepted

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Title GodotXterm - Terminal Emulator GodotXterm
Description GDNative Terminal emulator for Linux, macOS, Windows, and HTML5.


- Terminal emulator control node (using libtsm). Similar to TextEdit but understands XTerm control sequences.

- PTY node (using libuv and code from node-pty) allows you to fork processes in pseudoterminals. Currently Linux and macOS only.

- Terminal Panel Editor Plugin: Combines Terminal and PTY nodes to add an integrated terminal to the editor. Currently Linux and macOS only.

- Asciicast importer: Import cast v2 files (such as those on asciinema.org) as animations that can be played in the Terminal.

- Xresources importer: Import your favorite colors schemes in xrdb or Xresources format as themes that can be applied to the Terminal.

Online demo: https://lihop.github.io/godot-xterm-dist/demo

See the CHANGELOG for the latest changes: https://lihop.github.io/godot-xterm/CHANGELOG.html
GDNative Terminal emulator for Linux, macOS, Windows, and HTML5.


- Terminal emulator control node (using libtsm). Similar to TextEdit but understands XTerm control sequences.

- PTY node (using libuv and code from node-pty) allows you to fork processes in pseudoterminals. Currently Linux and macOS only.

- Terminal Panel Editor Plugin: Combines Terminal and PTY nodes to add an integrated terminal to the editor. Currently Linux and macOS only.

- Asciicast importer: Import cast v2 files (such as those on asciinema.org) as animations that can be played in the Terminal.

- Xresources importer: Import your favorite colors schemes in xrdb or Xresources format as themes that can be applied to the Terminal.

Online demo: https://lihop.github.io/godot-xterm-dist/
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm-dist https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm-dist
Issues Url https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues
Godot version Godot 3.4 Godot 3.3
Version String 2.2.0 2.0.0
Download Commit 8170a0d1e3ce62a14459081c932979835da66748 a8fb6b4fab6aa140db1432fcf92b9c7d5543b851
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm-dist/archive/8170a0d1e3ce62a14459081c932979835da66748.zip https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm-dist/archive/a8fb6b4fab6aa140db1432fcf92b9c7d5543b851.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lihop/godot-xterm-dist/stable/docs/media/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type video
Image/Video URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxvKOSxxI2E
Thumbnail https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sxvKOSxxI2E/default.jpg
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/lihop/godot-xterm/media/screenshot_editor.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/lihop/godot-xterm/media/xterminate.png